Debate United
Debate United is committed to empowering debaters from under-resourced communities by providing access to collaborative learning opportunities, essential resources, and expert mentorship. Our mission is to level the playing field in competitive debate by fostering confidence, critical thinking, and advocacy skills, enabling every student to find their voice and excel both on and off the circuit.
Provide mentorship
Experienced debaters from top programs volunteer their time to guide participants through every step of your debate journey
Online Resouces
Debate United offers a rich collection of online resources to support debaters at every level.
Mini Lessons
Debate United offers focused mini lessons designed to provide in-depth training on specific aspects of debate.
Debate Basics
5 mintues read
Debate is the art of structured argumentation, where participants present and defend their ideas on various topics. From Public Forum’s current event focus to Lincoln-Douglas’ philosophical clashes, and Policy’s in-depth advocacy to the creativity of Parliamentary formats, each style hones unique skills. Debate sharpens critical thinking, public speaking, and the ability to engage with diverse perspectives—empowering participants to confidently navigate complex issues and articulate their ideas with clarity and impact
Mastering Debate Argumentation
4 minutes ReAD
Argumentation is the heart of competitive debate, transforming abstract ideas into persuasive, logical cases. It’s not just about proving you’re right; it’s about presenting compelling reasons why your side of the resolution holds merit while addressing and dismantling opposing viewpoints. Strong argumentation combines critical thinking, research, and communication skills to engage and persuade an audience effectively.
Fun Part: Refutation in Debate
6 mintues READ
Refutation is a cornerstone of competitive debate, enabling participants to dismantle their opponent’s arguments while strengthening their own case. Effective refutation demonstrates not only a deep understanding of the issues at hand but also the ability to think critically and respond persuasively in real time. At its core, refutation is about creating doubt in the validity of the opposing argument while reinforcing the superiority of your position.
Become a Mentor!
Make a lasting impact by sharing your expertise with the next generation of debaters. As a Debate United mentor, you’ll guide students from under-resourced communities, helping them build confidence, refine their skills, and unlock their potential. Whether it’s offering feedback, sharing strategies, or simply inspiring their journey, your mentorship can change lives. Join us in creating a more inclusive and empowering debate community—become a mentor today!
Why Debate
Critical Thinking Development
Debate sharpens your ability to evaluate arguments, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make sound judgments, a skill crucial in both academic and real-world contexts.
Effective Communication
Through debate, you learn to express complex ideas clearly and persuasively, improving both public speaking and overall communication skills.
Research Skills
To prepare for debates, you must gather evidence from reliable sources, honing your research abilities and your understanding of diverse perspectives.
Teamwork and Collaboration
Public Forum and partner debate formats teach you to collaborate closely with others, strategize as a team, and support each other through competition.
Quick Thinking and Adaptability
Debaters need to respond to unexpected arguments on the spot, enhancing their ability to think under pressure and adapt to new situations.
Confidence Building
Regularly speaking in front of judges, opponents, and audiences helps you overcome fear, develop resilience, and grow in self-assurance.